

In July, Beau turned 3 months old!

16 lbs. 25 in.

and yummy as can be.

He just gets more and more fun every month. We love seeing his personality come out.

Around three months he discovered how neat it is to stand up with Dad. From that point on sitting down was overrated.

He also discovered his hands. My favorite thing was when I would catch him staring at his fingers.

Still cracks me up.

We worked hard on rolling over and tummy time. He thought it was so fun.

July was a month of "firsts".

First time in the Bumbo! Or, as we like to call it, Bumbeau. Hilarious.

He's a fan.

First time wearing shoes!

He didn't know what to think about them.

First UNLV outfit.

Such a stud.

First time in the pool.

He liked it, so we spent a lot more time in that nice, refreshing pool.

We got to see my nephew Nixon's FIRST piano recital!

He did such a great job!
My mom has been giving him piano lessons and believe me when I say, it's one of the cutest things I've ever seen. 

As you can see, after our Utah trip, we kept it pretty low key this month. Just enjoyed being home before it came time to go back up to Spokane.

P.S. Just in case I haven't become a big enough obsessed, picture posting mom....


1 comment:

Callie and Jaren said...

I LOVE all the pictures! Wish we could have gone swimming with you! Thanks for entertaining me with all of your posts!