A few weeks ago (yes, I'm very behind on blogging) we went up to Cedar City with my family & my in-laws for a little getaway at our neighbor's cabin. It was wonderful. There were just two major minor annoyances... just my two absolute least favorite things in the whole world...the flu &snow. blah. Unfortunately, Kirsten caught the flu and the poor girl kept her distance with her raging fever and upset stomach while the rest of us played games and hung out. Then Jim & Lucas caught it the next day and Nick & Angie had it the day after that. Not fun. But the bright side is only 5 out of the 13 people there caught it--not bad, not bad at all. Besides that (and the crazy blizzard that kept us stuck indoors for the last 2 days) the trip was great! Gretchen & Maddie came all the way from North Carolina and it was such a treat to see them! Nick was in heaven with his niece and we were all so entertained just watching her play with her 17 Dora the Explorer dolls and listening to her talk up a storm. >>Such a smart little almost 2 year old.<<
Four-wheeling before the crazy blizzard came...they got super muddy. |
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Nick & Maddie. She's the only other girl on the planet who can steal his attention from me...I'm okay with that. :) |
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Just putting all her Doras to sleep in their muffin tin beds with their tissue blankets. |
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Just the beginning of the blizzard. The next day we woke up to at least 5 feet of snow. |
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Uncle Luke & Maddy. cute. |
We had such a fun time getting to spend time with both of our families all together. Can't wait for the next occasion!
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