{Nick proposed to me exactly one year ago today.} Yes, on April Fool's Day. Was that planned? Doubt it. But it definitely threw people for a loop.
Here's the short version of the story...
After just hanging out for a few days, Nick and I went on our first real date to the BYU Art Museum. I had to go for a project plus I just love art so Nick, being the sweet boy he is, said he would take me. We had so much fun together...being super flirty and cuddle-y and trying to impress each other with our knowledge and insight on the paintings. We loved it. While we were there I fell in love with a certain painting. I'm not sure what it's called but it is a beautiful picture of a woman in a white dress with a red sash. I mentioned that it was my favorite painting to Nick and obviously he was taking good notes. :)
Fast forward a few months...
Nick and I had talked about getting married and I knew he was going to propose sometime soon but he said it was looking like he couldn't afford the ring until May. Sneaky sneaky boy. So on April 1st, 2010 I went to school like any other normal day and came home to take a nap. During my nap I had a dream that Nick took me out to a nice dinner, got down on one knee, pulled a ring box out of his pocket and when he opened up the box a sign popped out that said "APRIL FOOLS!". I started crying in the dream and woke up mad at Nick for what he had done (or hadn't done).
Nick called me that night and said "Hey I gotta go to the museum for one of my classes, want to come with me?" I told him not really...I had just gotten out of my dance class and wanted to shower and get ready before we hung out that night. He didn't take no for an answer so we went to the museum. I was clueless as to what was going on that night. So clueless that I even told Nick all about my dream that I had had that day and that I would kill him if he ever really did that to me. So, we strolled around the museum reminicing about the last time we had been there. Eventually got to my favorite painting where I saw a bouquet of roses on the ground. Nick bent down to picked them up and I yelled, "Nick don't touch those! They're not ours!." Once again...clueless. {{He just smiled, got on one knee, pulled the ring out, told me how much he loved me and ask me to be his wife. ♥}} Oh man, I'm getting butterflies all over again.

Then he said we should go back to his apartment to show everyone the ring. I agreed and was ready for a big warm greeting when we walked into the apartment...instead, the room was dark and candles were every where, there was music playing and a homemade Italian dinner with Martinelli's waiting for us in the kitchen. It was so romantic and completely unexpected. (shout out to Annie and Wes for setting it up :) We ended the night with chcolate covered strawberries, dancing, and calling our friends and family. It was such an amazing night...I'll never forget it. I'm just a lucky lucky girl. :)
oh heavens! That story is so dang cute, I just love it!
this is such a cute story!! i love it! i was totally clueless on our engagement night too haha
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