Today I'm missing the good old days. Those days when I was little and cute and had nothing on my mind but who I was going to play with that day or if my grandma would get me that new American Girl doll for Christmas. I had no responsibilities, no worries. [[Never worried about if I looked fat in that out fit or had my mind think about pesky, unwelcome memories or had to figure out a financial budget or missed my whole family being together all the time or stressed about where my husband will get into law school]] I was just carefree. Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not saying I'm not blissfully happy right now. I think it's quite obvious just by all the posts on my blog that I have the most amazing husband and love my life, But sometimes I just feel like my age and responsibility just snuck up on me and {I'm actually still that constantly dancing and singing little girl in my brain}... not an old married adult. What brought on this longing for the past? Looking through these gems...

please take me back...just for a day.
Chase and I are in the same boat with law school. All of his apps are in and its a waiting game!! Its the worst!!! Miss you!
oh my goodness, paige...those photos are too cute. is that me and you looking in the mirror?
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