Sometimes I can't even believe how much I want/need this puppy. When I see his little face I can't even breathe. I'm obsessed. So obsessed that the other night I laid in bed for 2 hours telling Nick all the possible names for our new puppy. Everyone tells me they're a lot of hard work...I know, believe me, I KNOW. I am the most anti-pet person in the world. I think animals are cute from afar or when I don't have to live with them...I promised myself I would never have a pet. But then I discovered my new best friend. Look at his face and his little paws. How could I not want to own and love and play with this little guy? Please.
>>So the good news is I found a whole litter of miniature yorkies for sale<<

They live in Arizona, they're only a few weeks old, they live close enough that my family could go pick him up for me, and you can just tell by all their adorable little faces that they need Paige Nelson Anderson to be the mommy of one of them.
The bad news is that they are so expensive that we wouldn't be able to eat for a month if we bought one (which I don't care about. Let me starve, he's totally worth it.) and we signed a contract that said no pets in this apartment. (which I think we could get out of if I brought him cookies and batted my eyes.)
*So here's the plan everybody*...I'll keep posting pictures of these puppies on Nick's facebook wall everyday and continue to beg him. Your job is... if you ever see him (even if you don't know him) remind him that he needs to get his wife {{the perfect Valentine's day present...a miniature yorkie.♥}}