Where do I even begin? We had quite a few problems trying to get on our honeymoon. It's a very long, detailed, frustrating, hilarious story. So if you have the time call me and I'll tell you the whole thing...maybe. Here's the very condensed version...
- Woke up Sunday morning and rushed to the airport at 4am to make our 6:00 flight. Ran to security to hear that we can't go through because the name on my passport is [Paige Nelson but on the ticket it says Paige Anderson.]
- Run back to the ticket counter where the lady tells us she has no idea what to do. We miss our flight. I start crying. She starts crying. She finally reissues my ticket to Paige Nelson and books us for a flight to Miami, where we will stay over night and have a flight to Aruba in the morning.
- Come back to Vegas airport that evening. Flight to Miami is delayed for 2 hours.
- Land in Miami around midnight. They don't know where our luggage is....they say it will take 3-5 hours to find it. We decide to go without it.
- Get to hotel room...two single beds and reeks of smoke.
- Wake up Monday morning, get to airport plenty early and ready to get to Aruba. Find out our flight is cancelled and rescheduled for Tuesday morning.
- They won't give us our bags. Our 2nd night/3rd day in a row without clean clothes or any toiletries. I start crying.
- Stay over night in a nice hotel and have fun eating pizza, playing UNO, and watching tv.

- Land in Aruba Tuesday afternoon. Overly excited to be there.

- Nick's bag is the 2nd one off the plane. The wheels are broken on his 50lb bag. Mine....never comes. Was sent to Antigua. We're told we would receive it at our hotel around 11pm.
- Get to our beautiful hotel. Excited to see our room. Open the door and see :sandals and beach toys: all over the place. Front desk boy (with a huge flakey rash on his forehead) sent us to an >occupied room<
- I start laughing so hard I can't walk. Nick is livid, hurls the broken 50lb bag over his shoulder, marches down the hall to yell at rash head. (Don't worry...he kept his cool when we got to the front desk.)
- Finally get to our real room. I put on swimsuit I bought at Walmart. It was mis-sized. Bottoms were 2 sizes to big. No beach. We go to bed.
- Wake up. No bag. Was sent to wrong hotel. Finally get it around noon.
- We hurry down to the GORGEOUS beach. Finally start relaxing.

- Nick looks at me and sees red bumps all over my arms. I stand up and see them all over my legs too. Hives.
- Leave beach to find Benadryl. Takes 2 days to find. I take it and am knocked out for the whole afternoon. Nick goes to pool by himself, I join him later half awake and drugged.
- Next day at the beach....Nick gets the same hives. I still have them too.

- We both take the Benadryl and pass out for the afternoon.
- Fly home to Vegas Saturday. Sad to leave breath-taking Aruba, but good to be home.

Yes ladies and gentleman...that was the condensed version. Don't let all these mishaps fool you...we really did have a great time. And we eventually got to the point where we could laugh about it. Thanks again to my amazing parents for giving us this vacation...the location and hotel
were beautiful. At least we left that trip more in ♥love than we got there and now we have a honeymoon story that blows all other "bad honeymoon" stories out of the water.

p.s. When we finally got to Aruba we also realized we forgot a camera...so sorry about the bad quality/lack of pictures. We had to buy a disposable one.
Paige...that is hilarious! Made me laugh out loud. Doug and I had a very similar Honeymoon experience and we still laugh about it today! Glad you made the best of it! love ya...
OH MY GOODNESS! this could only happen to you. i'm glad you guys still had fun!! and hey.. you don't need clothes to have a good time on your honeymoon!! ;)
this cracks me up. of course your honeymoon was ridiculously like a movie, you're a nelson (or, you used to be...)
look at you two! My favorite couple! :) How fun!
Haha sounds like a really fun and exciting trip!
bahaha! Well, t least you got to spend it with the man of your dreams! Seriously doesn't it make all the crazy moments seem...uh.... less crazy and more fun! I love it!Glad you guys had an adventure together, get used to it, once you think you have everything all planned out, life happens and decides to throw a curve ball! Once you learn to laugh at the things you cqan't controll you will be so much happier! I am still learniong this concept! bahahah! Love ya Paige!
Hahaha oh paige that is so crazy :) i would have cryed so much! haha that is so funny about how they gave you keys to someone elses room!!!
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