Hayley moved up to Provo at the end of August and us Nelson (and one Anderson) sisters have been having a blast.
I had an amazing birthday all thanks to [[my family, in-laws and wonderful husband.]] We celebrated all week long with a delicious family filled birthday breakfast at Kneaders, 2 birthday dinners, a fabulous homemade birthday cake by my mother-in-law, a night out with my man, and a new camera. I was a very happy 21 year old.
The leaves on the trees are starting to change and I can't get enough of it. We have a gorgeous view of the mountains right outside our door and I just love it!
>I'm slowly but surely learning how to cook.< Last week I made salmon, potatoes, and asparagus and it was goooood. This is probably the 3rd of 4th real meal I've made since we've been married and they have all been pretty good so I guess I should keep working at it. Nick was really impressed with this salmon meal and so was I. :)
Nick and I got a new car! After a long and stressful search we finally decided to get a 2008 Mazda 3. And yes, we know that EVERYONE in Provo has a Mazda but we don't care anymore because we are so in love with it.
General Conference is next weekend. Saturday night I had the opportunity to attend the General Relief Society Meeting with my sisters, aunts, cousins, and Grandma. It was so good and got me super excited for General Conference coming up. I just love getting to hear from our Prophet and apostles. What a blessing.

In 2 weeks I finally get to go home for my beautiful friend Jordan's wedding. She has been waiting for this for a long time and I'm so happy for her. It's a great excuse to go home and I cannot wait!

And last but not least, yesterday marked the {3 wonderful months} I have been married to this super cool guy with the fabulously swoopy hair and gorgeous blue eyes.